For most of us, working from home for a long period of time is disconcerting. We are creatures of habit and we like routines. We know when we have to leave the house in time to be able to stop at the local coffee house and get to work on time.

Working from home throws all that into chaos, and then add on the reason why we’re all working from home with unpredictable days, stress and isolation.  All of this makes it hard to get your job done and stay focused.

Here are some tips:

  1. Keep a regular schedule. This is key!  Go to bed at the same time and set your alarm.  Staying on the same schedule is grounding and offers a feeling of normalcy


  1. Before you go to bed, write a “to-do list” for the next day. This helps you focus in the morning and allows you time to plan the rest of your day and not feel overwhelmed by what comes up.


  1. Don’t turn on the TV. The TV can be a drain on your energy and mentally. Turn on music if that helps with motivation.


  1. Set a time for breaks and lunch and try to stick to it.


  1. Limit chores during work hours. Once you start doing a load of laundry or vacuum, you might be tempted to do more and before you know it’s 4pm. If you have errands, do them “during lunch” like you would at work.


  1. Buy the office supplies you need to feel productive and organized.


  1. Stay in touch co-workers. If you have Slack or other comm tools, use them to stay connected. Schedule weekly meetings on Zoom or Uber, share work products and ideas. Feeling connected with co-workers is key to staying engaged.


  1. Organize your work area at the end of day. Starting the day with an organized work space gives you time in the morning to start the day running.

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